Thursday, January 8, 2015

How I am Staying Organized in 2015

As the New Year is upon us, it is only natural to look for ways to improve oneself. One of the things I want to improve on is my organizational skills. Lately I have been feeling overwhelmed by trying to keep up with everything. with hypothyroidism and other medical problems, I have significantly low energy for someone my age. Trying to keep up with a very active toddler, cooking from scratch, blogging, and cleaning, sometimes there isn't enough energy to go around. Organizational skills could greatly impact how I divide up my energy and prioritize what needs to be done.
I am always on the look for a good planner. I'm no stranger to spending hours on Pinterest looking for the perfect printable that fit my lifestyle,  but yet everything I find is either lacking in an area or is too expensive for my budget.

Then I was sent this weekly planner from Tools4Wisdom and I was quite surprised. This is the journal of journals. The mother load of journals. Ok, you get it. It has everything I need to stay organized with all my blogging, doctors appointments, and family matters. There is enough space to write what needs to be done and notes on the side! I have been using it for a week and it has greatly help me get back on track and focus on what's important.

This planner has everything you would need in a planner. you can write down your goals, plan out your week, and plan out your month. Now, I plan out my blog posts in the months page and schedule everything out in my weekly page. I've been writing everything from "Eat Breakfast" to "Clean the Bathroom", doctors appointments, and cleaning schedule. I have been making sure I don't over book any day with what I know I won't be able to achieve, and I give myself one day with no "To-Do" tasks in case I have a really bad day were I need to be off my feet. Hubby and I have dedicated one of his days off for me to focus on my blog, away from home, so I can have some time to myself. Seriously, some days I have been trying to finish a blog post while food is over cooking on the stove, Aiden destroying the living room, and dishes stacked high in the sink. Sometimes I feel like I am not getting anything done; however, ever since I got this planner, I have been feeling a little accomplished and on the right track.

My next goals are:
Organizing Aiden's play area.
Organize the cupboards.
Make a dedicated blogging area.

Now after getting back on track, I feel like I can effectively schedule out my cleaning and organizing goals. Maybe I can even get back to a normal sleeping schedule?? Ok, that might be a little more difficult... but now I can prioritize cleaning out my fridge. And I WILL do it!

Tools4Wisdom has other great planners on their Amazon page with different covers. I chose the purple cover since I LOVE purple. ;)

How do you like to get organized? 

I received this product in return for an honest review. I am not required to give a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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