Saturday, February 14, 2015

Catching Up With Hippie

I promise this is not a conceded post about me. This is a more of a "sneak peak of future posts" type of post. I have been super busy the past few weeks with Aiden's birthday party (which you will see pictures of soon!), being in the middle of moving, and being completely sick! I'm behind on everything! My living room is a mess, the sink is full of dishes, and I have barely started packing. This cold has taken over my life the past week. But I have started a few things as well.

I started some sprouts! I have heard of this, and even have eaten some at a raw restaurant a few times, but I have never grown them myself. I don't have a sprouter, or mason jar with a cheese cloth (as i have seen on Pinterest), so I have been making due with what I have. I am still not done but you can see how much they have grown in just 3 days!! Below you will see broccoli, mustard, and Beet sprouts sprouting!

I started some seedlings for my new garden for when we move to our new place. I'm finally getting a place where I can garden! I've been busy making a list of all the things I want and will probably never have for my garden, but I am excited to get started! So far the spinach, lettuce, and tomatoes have started sprouting!

Aiden's first birthday party. He's getting two this year! The first one was at Sky Zone with his playgroup mates. They had a wonderful time. The next party will be a Super Why birthday/house warming bbq! (Which I have yet to send out invitations to... oh boy me... I'm so behind.)

And now, I just notice it's Valentine's Day... did I mention I'm sick? Yesterday I made the wrong decision to eat a Taco Bell Cantina bowl, so on top of having this cold I got a horrible stomach bug. Taco Bell never again. Yesterday we also took Aiden to a Valentine's Day party at the park with his playgroup. They had so much fun!!

I also went to Trader Joe's for the first time! It's over half an hour away, but it was so worth it! I'm ready to make it into a monthly trip! I got so many goodies, and some were cheaper than they were at Publix!

What have you guys been up to?

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