Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wanting to Have Another Child When You Have Health Problems

Aiden has turned two, and I have always thought I would have another child before Aiden turned three. I have always wanted a huge family (think 7 kids). I have put off trying to conceive due to many reasons; ie. Finances, postpartum depression, a host of health issues. Some of these health issues make it difficult to conceive, or even remain pregnant. So many things come to mind because I want another child, but I'm never quite sure it is the right time. So when family members ask when I will have #2, I'm never quite sure what to say. Am I healthy enough? Will my health be better the next few months or worse? Is my health ever going to get better? These questions among others get stuck on repeat. Here are a few more thoughts in no specific order.

"Am I healthy enough to get pregnant again?"

"What if I'll never be healthy enough? What if this is the healthiest I will ever be?"
"Will my thyroid allow me to get pregnant, let alone remain pregnant?"
"I felt the healthiest during pregnancy - aside from the nausea and high blood pressure."
"Am I too high risk to even consider a Midwife instead of an OBGYN?"
"Will Aiden be jealous?"
"How will I keep up with two kids, when I can barely keep up with Aiden?"
"Aiden does have more energy than a regular child. Maybe the next kid won't be as hyper."
"Should I wait until my health gets better? What if I get diagnosed with another condition?"
"Can I really handle all those early doctors appointments again? With Aiden on top?"
"Goodbye sleep. I will miss you. Wait - I don't even have you now!"
"We will need another bed."
"Should I keep all the baby stuff I have now that we're moving again. Or should I get rid of them?"
"I have a doctors appointment next week that I'm worried about. What if they tell me bad news?"
"What if I can't breastfeed again? I really want to breastfeed."
"What if I get postpartum depression again? I definitely will be encapsulate my placenta."
"Do I really want to take a prenatal on top of the 6 other pills I take on a regular basis?"
"Am I being selfish for waiting to have another child?"

"Am I being selfish for not wanting to wait until I'm healthier?"
"Aiden could use a sibling. Or a dog. Let's get a dog."

"Is anyone ever ready for another kid?"

As you can see, my mind goes everywhere. This isn't even half of what goes through my head. When you have various health issues that have a mind of their own, it is difficult to plan for another child, let alone know if you have enough energy for tomorrow. Sometimes I wonder if I should chuck all the worries and just go for it, or if I'm really doing the right thing by waiting.  So my answer to family members that ask when we will have #2, I always say "soon." Because I just hope it's true.

 Have you ever had second thought about trying to have another child?

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